Bee Wax Fabric Printing

It is commonly known as beeswax wrap, and it consists of a fabric material, mostly cotton, infused with food-grade beeswax, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. This food wrapping fabric is highly flexible and has a good grip making it suitable for different shapes and sizes of food items.

This fabric proves as a great alternative to plastic wraps because of its biodegradability and reusable nature. Each ingredient used to make beeswax wraps serve their purpose; for example, beeswax naturally contains antibacterial/antimicrobial properties.

  • Bee Wax Wrap Fabric Printing
  • Description
  • How to use


  • Cotton fabric
  • Locally sourced beeswax
  • Tree sap pine resin
  • Organic jojoba oil

Care Instructions

  1. After rinsing the beeswax wrap under cool water, you may use a soft cloth and a gentle soap to remove food debris. Spread it out to dry.
  2. The life expectancy of this beeswax fabric is about one year which can be refreshed or composted.


  • Not for use with raw meat, raw fish, or other wet food items such as rockmelon
  • Keep away from heat and do not put it in the microwave or dishwasher
  • As these are homemade wraps that may contain wheat or nut products. Nevertheless, the utmost care is taken to make sure these wraps don’t come in contact with wheat or nut products.

Simply use the heat of your hand to form the wrap around any suitable item like cutlery, cut fruits, and vegetables, cheese, etc.

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